Acting : Almost Missed Out.. by James Logan

James Logan

Almost Missed Out..

This story starts about two weeks ago on a day I was lucky enough to have not one, not two but three auditions. The first was an early morning voice-over audition more or less irrelevant to the story. The second audition was for the lead role in a feature film. I have not heard back. Audition number three was with a new casting director with whom I had never before read, and it was the first theatrical audition my agent has wrangled in a while. On the way to my third audition I ran out of gas. I managed to milk my gas tank to within miles of my destination. I called my agent and asked him to call the casting director and let them know that I was nearby but had run out of gas. I started walking to the nearest gas station, gas can in hand, when I shiny new Mini Cooper pulled up next to me and a friendly face stuck his head out and see asked if I needed a ride. I replied 'absolutely!'. On the ride to the gas station, I explained to my saviors the details of my predicament and they sympathized. As we pulled into the gas station, my agent called back to inform me the casting office would not be able to see me. So I thanked my saviors for the ride but before I could start walking they insisted on taking me back to my car. Once back at my car, I pour my newly purchased gas into the tank and by the time I got everything all buttoned up it's 5:15. My audition, mind you, was for 4:45. I decide that I'm going to go over there and apologize in person for missing my audition. I might even have spilled a little gas on my hands to drive home the point. When I arrived at the casting office, hat in hand, I am greeted by a pleasant young lady who looked at me and said 'Follow me Brandon.' And so I did. I followed her right into the room where I was greeted by a pleasant gentleman who said to me 'Nice to meet you Brandon.' At this point I explain I am not Brandon. I am James Logan, and I had come to apologize for missing my audition. They looked at each other and after a brief awkward moment one of us, I don't quite remember who, suggested that since we were all there maybe I should just read and so I did. I read my one line and said my goodbyes. A week or so later they called and 'pinned' me and a few days after that I booked the job. Moral of the story... Make sure you have gas in your car.

Janet Scott

Well done.... They say things happen for a reason....

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