My INDIANA JONES short film and my personal tribute to a director I admire since I was a kid, has reached more than 21.000 views on Youtube, Thank you so much! "INDIANA JONES and the search for the lost idol" won the First Award in Tri-City Independent/Fan Film Festival "TCIF3" fan film category (Washington, 2009), Showed in CINEFAN Festival "IndyCon" (Úbeda, 2013), Showed in CIFICOM (Madrid, 2012), Showed in New York Comic Con (New York, 2009) and Premiered at Yelmo theatres (Tenerife, 2008) The short film was shot entirely in Tenerife (Canary Islands) in 2008. Was conducted without a budget, without the help of a producer, without a proffesional team, only with a group of friends, my Canon XL2 and much love for cinema. This short film is a personal tribute to a director who admire a lot, Steven Spielberg. This adventure starring by Rafael Rodríguez, features the wonderful music of composer Oscar Navarro. Watch the short film: