Screenwriting : I'm looking for a screenwriter's support group by Rick Hardin

Rick Hardin

I'm looking for a screenwriter's support group

Either in the Seattle area or even meet virtually.

Mark Souza

Hi Rick, I'm near Seattle. We should talk.

Rick Hardin

HI Mark, Sure thing, I'm in Kent but I work in the south end of Seattle.

G. Leo Maselli

In San Francisco there is a very successful screenwriters group that formed up about four years ago. It's become a solid community of serious writers, collaborators and beginners. You can check it out > All you need to begin is an Organizer. Go get 'em.

Steven Douglas Brown

Rick, I'm in the next town over, and am interested in such a group.

Rachel Izzo

I'm in Seattle! Would love to be a part

Rachel Izzo

Persephone I didn't know that -- i love Roy Street. Can you just go?

Mark Souza

Persephone, what time? It sounds like fun.

Rick Hardin

Persephone I'd love to check out the Roy Street writers meet up. THANKS!!!

Rick Hardin

This is so VERY COOL! I guess it was a good thing I posted! I'm very interested in a writers group but I hesitate to take the lead since I'm new to the area (I've just moved here from San Diego.) Anyone else interested in taking this bull by the horns? I'd be glad to help.

Rachel Izzo

I will. I'm pretty new at screenwriting (just out of college) but have been in seattle forever

Rachel Izzo

I'm on twitter -- @rachelrose1220

Rick Hardin

Sounds perfect Persephone! I'm in!

Simon © Simon

What a terrific idea. Wish I was out that way.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey all, I'm in the Seattle area too. I'm just across Elliott Bay on Bainbridge Island. The Film School thing sounds great, but maybe we could start a Stage 32 monthly meet-up as well?...

Rick Hardin

So who’s going to Roy Street café tonight? Want to try to meet up and talk about a screenwriters group?

Rachel Izzo

I would love to but I just got back from vacation last night and have a ton of stuff to do today before I go back to work. What time is it?

Rick Hardin

6:30 to 8:00

Steven Douglas Brown

I would enjoy it, but dad duty comes first and tomorrow is daughter's first day of school. Maybe next time.

Mark Souza

No promises, but I'm going to try to make it. 6:30 at 700 Broadway East, right?

Rachel Izzo

Would definitely love a Stage 32 meet up. I really want to go tonight but I think cleaning and unpacking takes priority :(

Mark Souza

Rick, we missed you. Should have been there, it was a blast. Fun people and fun discussions.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey guys, I'm sorry I missed it too. We just returned home from vacation yesterday. Looking forward to the next Stage 32 get-together!

Rick Hardin

In a good script you need plenty of conflict well, last night was chock full of it. I’m new to Seattle and I’ve never been in that area before. I Google mapped the coffee shop but the directions had me about 6 blocks off course. I don’t know what’s with that area but all the stores seem to have odd addresses. One of them had an address of 1402 when it was on the 900 block. I spent 15 minutes driving up and down Broadway trying to figure out where I was going. The sun was in my eyes and I was frustrated. I don’t have a smart phone so I finally called my wife at home to help guide me in. She was wonderful and got me right to the coffee shop, but by this time it was 6:45. Then I spent 15 more minutes trying to find parking, which I couldn’t find within 3 blocks so I decided I’d had enough and just gave up. Sad ‘cause I really wanted to go!

Mark Souza

Yeah, parking is a nightmare there. I cruised around for 15 minutes and couldn't find anything. Just east of the coffee house, on the back side of the gas station there on Broadway, was a bank parking lot that turns into a pay lot in the evenings. $5 for 2 hours. On the way out of the coffee shop, they had a sign stating they have a free parking area - need to learn a little more about how to access that.

Steven Douglas Brown

Oh, yeah... that's why I never made it to one of those meetings before! Hate the parking pretty much all around Seattle. ;^)

Crystal L. Smithwick

Did this group ever get off the ground?

Rick Hardin

Nope. It kinda fizzled out but I'm still interested in getting something together. I Just don't have the time to be the ring leader. Anyone else on this list still interested?

Alex Sarris

Plenty of them online... Join "Writer Arena" as they currently have a challenge that has a copy of Final Draft on offer.

Crystal L. Smithwick

If anyone is interested in meeting in person, I can organize a meetup for August.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey Crystal, yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Except I was going to post the idea in the "meet up" section in the lounge. :) One thing that is problematic of course is the meet up location. The last one was held in Belltown somewhere, which was very inconvenient. No parking. Crowded. Hard to get to -- especially for me coming from Bainbridge Island. I was thinking someplace large with a lot of parking. I'd prefer a restaurant in Pacific Place or maybe a large restaurant just outside of Seattle. Any ideas?

Rick Hardin

I'm definitely game. I only moved to Seattle (Kent really) last year so I'm not a good choice to recommend a place. You find a place and I'll be there.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Okay Rick. Stay tuned. :)

Crystal L. Smithwick

I just found the Seattle Screenwriter's Meetup group. They are planning a meet up in August.

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