As a filmmaker, what would be your most ideal dream project based on any type of pre-existing source, as in book, comic, television show, or video game. Mine would have to be The Last of Us, which is a recently released video-game that really captured my attention due to the solid storyline, great character interaction, and a focus on the relationship between the two leads instead of solely focusing on action. I think that it would be an amazing project and something, if given the chance, I would love to make into a movie.
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I like that idea. The Last of Us was an amazing game with a campaign mode that projected a relationship with the imaginary characters. I'd even enjoy being a part of that. It's tough for me to consider what I would like to do, in that aspect. There's a lot of books I've read I'd like to turn into movies, with my own alterations of course. I like your idea a lot, though. That game has an incredible story line.
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That's a tough one. I have several that I would love to do. Some of them are (all live action) Gargoyles, the animated series. The interaction of the characters and the way the storyline plays out would transfer well to film. As well as Star Blazers, Battle of the Planets, and to also do an updated version of The Last Starfighter. All of these I think would be amazing projects to bring to screen,
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I would have to say CARTER BEATS THE DEVIL. I would love to have a crack at the script and also direct it.
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The Last of Us is a very good choice and I'd most likely pick that too. I've seen a lot of great fan films on youtube lately for that game. For me, it might have to be Bioshock. I always loved the story, and the bond between the little sisters and big daddies.
I love the idea of doing Bioshock but it might be hard to achieve a great movie version. To reach a suitable time for general audiences they would have to cut out stuff that is awesome about the game. The same with Last of Us, I feel that any video game is hard to do but with people who are actually passionate about the games to make a good movie instead of film makers who haven't actually played the game.
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BeanTown. A story I wrote about my brothers in I in moving into together as adults to reconnect our relationship broken by our parents divorce. Its in the vein of the Lawrence brothers and workaholics.
That sounds like a solid idea Patrick.
I like it too.... based on realistic.
Probably Fallout, love the world it's set in, the look, the story. Could make a great film, only problem is that it's post-apocalyptic, which is everywhere these days.
Either Bioshock or Red Dead Redemption
The Sandman.
Sandman comics? If so I'll have to back you up on that 100%
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Oh I forgot, Assassins Creed.
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Yeah i agree with Assassins creed and maybe Mass effect directed by Neil Blomcamp eughhh jizz face :D
House of God. Rights are owned by someone so I can't make it though...
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A visually stunning and emotional Final Fantasy X. It's crying out to be remastered and produced as a live-action epic. The story's there, the cast (or some of my dream cast) are of age, and the series needs some rejuvenation. Please, any big time Hollywood producer, hear me out!
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I was thinking lads we could do a kickstarter? and find our crew on here then start from the ground up make a 10 min short on The Last of Us or something do able as it's post apocalyptic i mean england looks like that anyway, what do you think?
That does sound like a good idea Stuart
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Andy what do you think if me and you start this thing then? means our crew can even get some wages as well.
I'm more than willing to but college is taking up a lot of my time right now so maybe sometime in the summer we could shoot it.
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Ok dude well ill start a new project in the lounge and see if we have enough interest :)
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Right guys made a post in filmmaking like andy did so get involved! :)
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I'll be sure to check it out. I'm sure some of my film school buddies will like to get involved