Introduce Yourself : Am not here on S32 just to 'whore' myself out (Honest, wink) by Michael Butterly

Michael Butterly

Am not here on S32 just to 'whore' myself out (Honest, wink)

Hello Stage 32 and all it's members! My favorite cheesy saying is... 'To be paid for you love doing is wonderful. To be paid well is incredible, but in truth… I would do it for free!' I am an award winning international artist, based in Stockholm and London. Am looking to meet new, interesting professionals/ projects that are in need of motion graphics. concept visuals, sound track design etc... Currently I am finalizing my latest (oil on canvas) collection entitled ‘Within People. lies. Places.' Which is due to be exhibited across Europe and the US over the next twelve months and will have my debut album released on most world wide digital platforms early next year. Just to be clear... i am not here on S32 just to 'whore' myself out (Honest, wink) but am truly happy to connect with, all & any like minded people who have mutual interests. are doing stuff and not just talking about it and have something interesting to say.

Mark Marcarian

Hell, I am.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great post, Michael. Love the spirit of it. I believe that if you give first, take second, you'll always win the day.

Pat Savage

Welcome to stage 32! Great to have you here!

John Demers

Agree with you Michael. If I was wealthy I would do this work.

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