I'm a filmmaker, video artist. My work includes artistic video installations for museums, commercial assignments for clients such as Sony, Kodak, Whirlpool, Samsung, Timex, Genentech to name a few. I'm currently producing a series of short documentary films for Mars Chocolate on sustainable farming in Africa and Indonesia. I'm also working on and new artistic piece for the Nobel Museum in Stockholm and just finishing an original drama. I'm an avid cyclist and jazz musician and have fond interest in architecture. Born in Niagara Falls, NY, attended the Rhode Island School of Design.
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hello David, thanks for being my first greeter. i am impressed with your accomplishments and the wide nature of them and i wish you every success!
Well done David. Was a talent on some museum productions that incorporated video and 4D. Fun stuff.
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David, I see in your introduction that you're a filmmaker with a fond interest in architecture. I am an architect with a fond interest in filmmaking. It seems like we should join forces! Let's stay in touch.