Screenwriting : Wait... or make it a multiple submission, if in good hands? by Nkosi Guduza

Nkosi Guduza

Wait... or make it a multiple submission, if in good hands?

I need your help guys and women. I’ve a screenplay in the hands of a Celebrity Hair Stylist, very well known, she was at a meeting at Universal Studios, recently... I guess for my / our cause perhaps. She is so busy... I am in need of knowing... but addressing her may be pushy, again SHE IS VERY busy. I know of a actress whose husband is a partner at a leading production company. Do I contact her, OR wait to see what my other friend says first. Opinions, advice would be much appreciated. The other lady has had it a month... ?

Pedro Chaves

a month? then I do think you could ask. Nobody is that busy, just lazy.

Nkosi Guduza

Great... thanks.

Pedro Chaves

sorry if what I said sounds a little cold

Lee Jessup

I usually recommend touching base 3 weeks after your last communication, then again three weeks later if you haven't heard anything...

Jennifer R. Povey

Pedro, plenty of people are that busy. As a prose writer I routinely wait 3-6 months for responses on short stories. Novel publishers tend to be faster. Things may be different in the screenwriting world, but a month is not unreasonable at all.

Pedro Chaves

yeah, but c'mon it's a hairdresser not the prime minister.

Christine Koehler

Before I gave my script to anyone to read I would make very sure it's perfect. Now that we're teamed up with The Happy Writers, I highly suggest you spend the time and little money to get it to that point. I also suggest you get very active here on this great Stage to make the right connections you'll need.

Nkosi Guduza

How do you know it's not at that point ? :) x x x You wasn't rude Pedro, thank you, and thank you Christine, Lee Jessup, I have touched base and she has at least seven times, one time she wrote 'Yikes I have a Script to read'... also the rest we just hardly mentioned movies, I just hinted kindly and she was / is fine (once)... I think it's just me. I like things done fast, though wondered if she is at withhold because she may want to surprise me, she's doing a friend a deed and she never reads or accepts scripts. :) x Thank you Jennifer, this all helps. x Christine... you could respond to my previous post about rewrites and drafts, I'm sure you might have something for me, it would be a pleasure, I need an opinion on it or even facts... :) x x x Thank you everyone.

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