Anything Goes : 'School of Rock' Cast Has Touching 10-Year Reunion by Richard "RB" Botto

Richard "RB" Botto

'School of Rock' Cast Has Touching 10-Year Reunion

'School of Rock' Cast Has Touching 10-Year Reunion (Photos)
'School of Rock' Cast Has Touching 10-Year Reunion (Photos)
Check out a video of Jack Black and his now-grown-up stars performing the movie's signature song in Austin.
Sylvia Gonzales

One of my favorite movies because of all the classic rock references the script makes. His Stevie Nicks impression is uncanny!

Richard "RB" Botto

Had a chance to revisit this one not too long ago. Had forgotten how charming the whole thing is...Just a fun, sweet, feel good film. And, I agree, the rock references are awesome.

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