Introduce Yourself : Hello Stage 32 by Benjamin Cambridge

Hello Stage 32

Having only just come across stage 32, I was completely unaware of it as a networking site. I look forward to meeting with you all and growing a larger network of like minded people. I’m a profession editor working at the BBC North and a freelance director/camera operator. I enjoy working on a wide variety of projects. The more visual and creative the better.

Benjamin Cambridge

Hi Jacqueline, thank you for the connection. :)

Janet Scott

Hello, ello.... Welcome...

Benjamin Cambridge

Hello and thank you.

Kamilah Alexander

Benjamin I kinda just fell across this site also...I wish you and I much Luck!! been cool thus far I started networking a few hrs ago...hehehe

Benjamin Cambridge

It's is an interesting site.

Andrea Thompson

Welcome to the Stage 32 community! The global reach of this site is remarkable. We're glad to have you here. See you in the lounge!

Janet Scott

Welcome aboard Benjamin, nice to have you with us....

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