Anything Goes : Black Listing, working for free, plagiarism and relations in this business by Randall Roffe

Randall Roffe

Black Listing, working for free, plagiarism and relations in this business

Everybody with any real experience in this business usually learns pretty quickly that politeness and teamwork are the foundations of success. There have of course been a few temperamental talents who have made it big, despite their prima donna attitude and flaunting of their bad behavior. Most people in the business are careful to avoid these people, and also avoid saying negative things, so sometimes it is hard to get constructive advice until you have established a respectful rapport, and that you can even take advice well. So you learn that no answer usually means NO thanks. Usually, success comes slowly with a lot of sacrifice, but that does NOT mean we have to work for no money, or PAY to be in picture. On the other hand, sometimes it all happens fast, faster than you can handle. I have about twenty very good direct top-shelf producer and director contacts. Only two are on S32. They actually read my work and say it's in a big stack of submissions. Only one of the producers ever lost his temper or used bad language on me. This happened recently and I wonder if there will be a ripple effect, because he's a very serious guy. and this past weekedn I have been hacked, bombarded with false accusations etc., all by people who use false identities. I am cautious with other writers and some directors and producers, because I have been plagiarized twice and am having to address the issue. I have I guess a hundred actor contacts, almost all of them very supportive, some of them quite well-known, most of them not here on S32, Most of them like my work and sometimes get it to a producer, but usually there is that catch22 - "if the money is not in place, I'm not that interested." But lots of them do read and support. We'll see. I suppose this is written mainly for those new in the game that express frustration so quickly. After ONE screenplay, you moaning because you can't get produced? Ha, lots of have ten or twenty works and still no big break. In the old days, that would have been viewed as a plus. Or, you're published in books and now have a screenplay? That would have bee a plus too. But today, they are minuses. How did that happen? I guess only Stephanie Palmer can respond to that question. Never give up, unless NOBODY likes your work. You can't expect everybody to. and you will have to "shine on" a small number of cranks, maybe even a famous one or two, but you will learn to keep comments about them private... or like this is presented here. Any thoughts, anyone? I could not find any better place to post this.

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