Post-Production : Dialogue Editing by James Dunn

James Dunn

Dialogue Editing

Hi, I have a problem and I was wondering whether someone could help. I have a line of dialogue that was recorded on set. The whole sentence is fine, except for the final word which is taken from other recording. The two together don't sound right. They were recorded at different times, the room tone is the same, the problem is the actor says the final word in a different pitch to the rest of the sentence. The director really wants me to fix it, but I've tried everything I can possibly think of from pitch shift to EQing. Any ideas? Thankyou! James

Frank A Rybicki

send a copy and I'll see what I can do - email in resume

James Dunn

Thanks Frank! I've sent you an email :)

Michael "Cap" Caputo

ADR teh line Do you have access to a parametric?

Bart Vleugels

James, is your issue resolved? If not, email me the line and I"ll give it a try. BV

James Dunn

Hi Bart, I managed to get it fixed. Thankyou for the offer though! Very much appreciated.

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