If anyone who is interested, we are currently looking for crew for our upcoming project, Documentary 2014. We are primarily seeking local cinematographers, sound technicians, compositors, and editors. We also have positions open for two Assistant Directors and a Production assistant. The positions will pay a gas stipend and we will be taking care of lunch on film days. Resumes and inquiries can be sent to Humayafilms@gmail.com. It's a great opportunity for students seeking film experience and a chance to learn alongside experienced film makers. Thanks for your time!
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Will you need a narrator for your documentary, if so I would like to volunteer my talent.
Thank you Tara. That position has been filled. We are primarily seeking crew.
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I am a sound man responding. please shoot me a message and i'll forward you my pitch!
Yes, we are still looking to fill positions. Please email me at humayafilms@gmail.com with a resume. Thank you! :)
Please keep in mind that this is being filmed in South Florida!