Anything Goes : Any one else have this experience? by Robert Evan Howard

Robert Evan Howard

Any one else have this experience?

Any one else have this experience? - I had a producer tell me that he would like to produce the movie version of my book “ Mental Essence “. - He sent me a contract with nebulous wording that in essence gives him first right of refusal to all my intellectual properties. That of course was a deal killer. - I asked him to verify the capabilities he professes to have, and he has not replied. - Thank you, - Robert Evan Howard - - - 1-801-856-3200 / U.S.A.

Mark Souza

Good for you. A definite red flag. Never give up the rights to all your intellectual property or product. Negotiate each one separately, and as you enjoy more success, your rates should and will go up.

Brandon Keever

Walk away.

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