Introduce Yourself : ...a re-introduction by David Koepfinger

David Koepfinger

...a re-introduction

Hey 32'rs. I'm David Koepfinger and they say I am an actor and a musician. The truth is I am,by the grace of God. Probably have done close to 40 shorts, features and TV shows. I get a lot of practice anyway. Currently, there is a inspirational film in select theaters nationally called "The Investigator" that I had a bit part in. Very well done film. Very proud of it. Also recently done another faith based vignette and am a character in a video game in developement called SteamWorks. Getting reading to shoot a family friendly western TV series local to Florida called Dry Creek. It's a bit like Little House on the Prairie. Finally, I do play music as a percussionist in my church as God is my source and inspiration without whom I could be nothing. Thanks for following along.

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