Acting : Type casted!!! Isn't bad at ALL by Mickey Gilmore

Mickey Gilmore

Type casted!!! Isn't bad at ALL

I know a lot of people feel getting type cast can be a bad thing, but I on the other hand don't mind? Someone has to play the bad guy's or the good guy's, saving the day or ruining the day. Sometimes being mean and nasty if the character calls for it. As long as people like to work with you and your a true professional and your doling the right thing our wonderful industry asks of you. Please feel free to contact me all the time. I have no problem what's so ever. It's so hard and extremely difficult to stay positive and move in the right directions all the time that there could worse things than being type cast. I know one thing, I probably won't ever asked to audition or ever offered a role wearing a tu-tu. But I'm just fine with that.

Jennifer Bailey

the way I see it, as long as you are earning a living and doing what you love, it cool. can understand it being frustrating if you want a different type of role but as long as you love the process and you are paying the bills then life is good.

Mickey Gilmore

Thank you Jennifer for your kind words. As I aid before, I couldn't agreed with anymore anymore. I always say the same thing as long as your happy and paying the bills. It's something that you have dreamed since a child. You are doing the "LOVE" process. So many people work because they have to, It a normal process. However most people are unhappy at their work as well. I could use a little help now and again my do other actor's in our business. But I love this business and the competition way to much to give it up. I may have started late in life, but better late then never trying something you dreamed of. If everyone could do what we do, then they would. It takes a very special individual from patience, accomplish skills, training, workshops, the list is very long and It should be to stay in our business. Strong survives and the weak don't....

Brian Berneker

It took William Shatner almost his entire career to finally embrace the fact that he will always be known as Captain Kirk. Sometimes the fame we seek is more than we expected when it finally arrives. Take the good with the bad I say!

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