Introduce Yourself : TV Writing by Christina DeMarco

TV Writing

Hello Friends, I've been writing movie scripts and TV pilots in total for the last 7 years. I'm currently working on two TV pilots and a movie short. My first pilot, "The White Hats", (based on the real life NJ Organized Crime Investigator's life and career) was a top 5 winner in TV Writer Chat pilot writing program. I currently work with Autistic High School students, but my real passion is Writing. After working so hard on my writing, I realized what is missing in my writing life is daily interaction with other TV writers. I'd love to build a network of TV writers, for the purpose of giving each other feedback, as well as guidance into the industry. All the best to everyone.

Pat Savage

Welcome to Stage 32 Christina! Good luck with all you do and dream and have fun and great success networking here :)

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