Introduce Yourself : Production in uk by Don Clovis

Don Clovis

Production in uk

Im a producer, produced already feature film in USA and Holland, ( actions, etc,,,0 Fm this year I prepare to produce a slate of Actions films in UK, and planning do a costume film, aventure film as well) Im allways interested to met also new Cast, new Talents, crew, etc,,etc... contact me any time, ( I will be in UK in October) skype: donclovis2 and donclovis

Adedapo Williams

Hello I am Adedapo Williams I would like to know more about your projects

Frank Luchs

Good luck with "Killing The Seeds"

Don Clovis

thanks frank, KTS asndf rage of the Tiger will be shoot in Uk , Thailand and HK..

Don Clovis

please see on and clic on DEVELOPMENT , synopsis

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