Greetings Esteemed Colleagues... I've been signed up with Stage 32 for most of a year now, but finally decided that NOW is the time to 'jump in the pool' and say hello! I've been a successful Composer and Recording Artist (working across multiple genres) for some decades now. For the past few years I've become interested in exploring how my music would work with picture, as it tends to be very visual in the first place. To that end, I've been fleshing out my portfolio of music-for-film and look forward to sharing some of that with you. I'm blessed to have an in-house studio downstairs, replete with a Pro Tools-based recording system and considerable skills and experience as a multi-instrumentalist. With my setup I'm able to deliver anything from a simple solo piece to a small-ensemble to a full-out orchestral soundstage. I believe there's a place on this site where I can post a representative cross-section of what I do (as I mentioned I'm still just getting my feet wet!). I will plan to head over there now and upload a few pieces which will hopefully showcase some of the considerable range I'm comfortable working in. Additionally, there are a few videos I've created which are posted elsewhere on the site. Please take a few minutes to check them out, as while I'm still a self-confessed 'novice' at filmmaking, these videos nevertheless present a certain 'prosidy'; a union of sound-and-picture which works pretty effectively to deliver the intended emotion. Oh yes...and I had WAAAAY too much fun making them! So...what do YOU think? I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Thanks...and enjoy! George 'Jordy' Wallace Artist and Creative Director, AirBorn Music, Lancaster, PA