Filmmaking / Directing : Short Film: Building Lines by Krystina Figg

Krystina Figg

Short Film: Building Lines

Hey everyone, only 7 more days left on Kickstarter and we're looking for help either promoting or donating. If we don't reach our goal, we don't make our film. It's that simple. Every $10 helps. Building Lines: "Three electrical lineman learn about sacrifice, brotherhood, and integrity through the perilous world of building power lines." In the vain of Sons of Anarchy, we follow these modern day cowboys through some death defying situations as they work hard everyday to provide us with electricity. We'll begin filming in Bonner Springs, KS on Oct 19th for the International Lineman's Rodeo. Check out what we're up to at: If you can't donate...please "Like" us on Facebook:

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