Screenwriting : When are you done breaking into the industry? by Lee Jessup

Lee Jessup

When are you done breaking into the industry?

According to working screenwriter Michael Tabb, whom I sat next to on a Breaking Into Hollywood panel at Screenwriters World, the answer is never.

Mark Souza

Good advice. Thank God for my "good ideas" repository.

John Ward

Great post Lee. Thanks for sharing.

D Marcus


Janet Scott

Thank you Lee....

Tammy Vega

Thanks Lee..

Richard "RB" Botto

Another fantastic post. Thanks, Lee. Michael is a terrific guy. It was great to catch up with him last week.

Ted King

Great practical advice! Thanks for sharing!

Shane M Wheeler

Good advice. As in most writing, keep writing, rewriting, improving, working. "Work it faster, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger, more than ever, hour after, our work is never over."- Work It, Daft Punk

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