Belloq - "Take this pocketwatch. Ten dollars from a street vendor. Essentially worthless. Take it. Bury it in the sand for a 1000 years. It becomes priceless... men will kill for it. Men, like you... and me."
Govt. Guy - I can assure you Dr. Jones... we have top men working on it.Indy - Who?!Govt. Guy - Top... men... (heck, that'd be a good movie title too: Top Men)
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Salah: "Which way are you going to go Indy? Indy: "I don't know... I'm making this up as I go."
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Belloq - "Take this pocketwatch. Ten dollars from a street vendor. Essentially worthless. Take it. Bury it in the sand for a 1000 years. It becomes priceless... men will kill for it. Men, like you... and me."
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Bad dates.
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Go ahead... blow it back to God
perfect way to put it surprisingly i never seen this but do hate it when people tell me that, now i have a good rebuttal. thx
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Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?
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Satipo: "Let us hurry. There is nothing to fear here." Indiana: "That's what scares me."
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Govt. Guy - I can assure you Dr. Jones... we have top men working on it. Indy - Who?! Govt. Guy - Top... men... (heck, that'd be a good movie title too: Top Men)