Screenwriting : Screenwriting by Krystol Diggs

Krystol Diggs


As a new screenwriter I am trying to land a gig and sell my scripts too. I'm not having any luck in either. Any advice?

Mark Souza

Keep pushing, and keep writing.

Krystol Diggs

Thanks, Mark, lol.

Monique Mata

Welcome to everybody's world ;) When you say "new", how new? Do you have at least 5 specs under your belt? Are you confident that your writing compares to the top 10% of the amateur writers out there? Are your scripts in the best shape possible? Have you entered contests? Have you tried the Blacklist? Are you on twitter? Have you sent out queries? Are you on screenwriting message boards? Are you on Facebook screenwriting groups?

Krystol Diggs

Not that knew. I am in several groups on Facebook, Linkedin, and i'm a member of ISA. I haven't entered any contests yet. I have 3 scripts written and i'm about to start another one. I have had one short film done but I wasn't pleased with the DP's work. I have my MFA in Creative Writing. I do have an animation script as well.

Marvin Willson

Like I said Krystol, keep writing...

Christine Bergsma

I used these services and it was amazing! Just as a disclaimer I don't work for them or connected in any other way but used their coaching. Good luck and I'm sure it will happen soon! What's your genre?

Krystol Diggs

Drama and Thriller.

Marvin Willson

I find it interesting that people push script coverage services. These cost money and are completely subjective. The smart time to use one, is when you are ready to sell/make something or looking for agents/managers. Join/form a writers group, critique each others work and grow your skill-sets.

Krystol Diggs

I've gotten script coverage for all of my scripts from my teachers at the film school I just graduated from. Yes, coverage can be very expensive.

Christine Bergsma

I agree Marvin, and some companies aren't as reputable. The coaching I suggested is not coverage, they help in making it the best it can be before it hits the market and are industry professionals. It's a hard game but persistence pays off!

Wayne Taylor

Krystol your logline has to really grab their attention. No more than 2 sentences. Right now the Blacklist seems to be where people are being discovered.

Krystol Diggs

I know, Wayne. I'm not that new lol. But, I'll check out blacklist.

Nadia Carmon

I am currently in the process of creating my first two short films (That will serve as promos for the concept for a full length film I am currently writing). I will begin filming in November. I've decided that while I could very much use investors to fund my film, and I will certainly try to approach either studios or...Whatever other options become available through research or otherwise, I must also have a backup plan in case my own ideas are too subversive for the industry and also being very adamant about the details. I know that it is... Not ideal...But is there a way you could fund one of your own film projects? If you can, then you may be able to make a name for yourself after your film has made its rounds through the hands of audiences, reviewers, etc etc. I've never thought of selling my script so perhaps we are in a different boat as far as how we'd like to see our visions come to life. Anyways, I wish you luck.

Nadia Carmon

...But if you can fund your own film, even a short film, then you would have one film on your resume, as well as possibly fulfilling other roles along the way, that might also be beneficial for seeking a career in the film industry as well as showcasing your vision.

Marvin Willson

Nadia - Whilst I admire your attitude; why make two shorts to promo a feature?

Brad Pretkerg

Call Ceriona

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