Success Stories: OCT'16 The Domino Effect

Shay McLean

The Domino Effect

I originally posted the following post in the "Screenwriting" discussion forum: "Just wanted to revisit this original post and say THANK YOU to all who responded, gave selflessly and willingly. I appreciate it and what has came of this is AMAZING, INCREDIBLE and has been absolutely stunning to me. Not only have multiple film projects ensued but talk of a production company with multiple parties of Stage32'ers has come up. So, this is just beyond ridiculous in a wonderful way. I can't thank you all enough. What started off as a mere request to "dabble" with some scripts has become an incredible undertaking and a whole new start on a path that could become something very special, not just for me but to a lot of folks. I'm a firm believer in collaboration and this is a testament to that. You give and you get. None of you knew me from Adam but you went out on a limb and gave your "babies" to me and you can't put a price on that. Where is this done anymore or anywhere? HERE - that's where. It's the only place I know of. Stage32 is like the island of creativity where people can feel safe with each other to collaborate amidst a sea of shark-infested waters. Crappy metaphor (if you can call it one, but I'm not a writer - lol). I can't wait to see what the future holds for us all. So, again thank you all so very, very much. ~ Shay"

Andrea Thompson

What an amazing and inspiring post. Congratulations.... Keep creating, you were meant to do so.

Shay McLean

Thank you so much Andrea. It is truly amazing what can be accomplished when like-minded people come together and simply "do".

Jason C Killpack


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