Introduce Yourself : MR Rowan The Woodcutters story by mark walker

mark walker

MR Rowan The Woodcutters story

Hello to everyone who is slightly interested in my story. If you believe in a strong ethical story then please contact me. If you believe in myths and fairytales then please contact me. If you believe in a story with a happy ending then you will like this one. I'm really not quite sure how to proceed with my story perhaps it will evolve. Mark

Janet Scott

I write fairy tales... I also believe in happy endings....Looking forward to hearing your little stories... One of my little tales is about a poor woodcutter and his wife...Once upon a time style...

mark walker

Thanks Janet Its amazing that from continents apart we have the same ideas.I really enjoyed writing it ,the fun for me was in its very slow creation from thought to word. Its loosely based on my life doing shows etc with the people I met . I'm getting it proofed then published tv or film we hope to follow. Kind regards Mark

Hanna Chusid

As PART of my 37 years of devoted service as healer, mentor, coach, team builder, I engage individuals and creative teams in creative exploration and breakthrough telling/using traditional multi-cultural folk tales.

mark walker

Hi Hanna Angus &poppy Rowan in it self has the potential of a great folk following. It is set in pre roman times when the need for human development was on a par to its natural environment . But the final chapters are in modern times when humans pace out grew the planets natural course. We can learn from history but do we truly change our path.

Janet Scott

One day, you will get to read my folklore tales....I delight in telling the story... the old fashioned way...

Hanna Chusid

yes..the old fashioned way is the part everyone's information overload and digital numbing..face: face....thanks for your kind words..on my wall..have not yet had time to read anyone's material p fully..just in and out all day...I will view profiles of those who have posted to me more carefully..thank you!

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