Introduce Yourself : Semi retired Film Set Decorator and buyer .An Intruduction to my world.. by Mark Rimmell

Mark Rimmell

Semi retired Film Set Decorator and buyer .An Intruduction to my world..

I worked in the industry for 35 years from music videos to the bigger productions 'In The Name of The Father' to 'Love In The Time of Cholera..and Hell Boy 2 The Golden Army my last film...which was filmed here.. I was a Set Decorator / Buyer...and still am called upon to find artefacts for a few films.. I am now semi retired and live in Budapest where I design jewelry as a hobby and use my favourite stone AMBER which has now become more than a hobby.. I also edit scripts into good English.. break down scripts , coach a few actors to help with their English and find artefacts for films when a schedule is really tight.. I worked with Anthony Hopkins on his first directing role 'August' in which he also played the lead .. 'Death on The Nile' with David Suchet which I Set Decorated.. I worked with people too numerous to mention but Hugh Laurie in the series Jeeves and Wooster was probably my longest colaberation.. To observe great actors bring a script to life is one of the greatest joys of my time in films.. Before I entered the film industry I met Marlon Brando filming 'Countess From Hong Kong' through the film editor,Gordon Hales ,and since he admired my amber pendant which he reminded me had 'magical qualities 'I gave it to him which he promised to wear.. I have no idea whether he took my advice to always wear it but as my prelude to a career in films it is an incident I remember and treasure..I remember watching The Godfather and wondering if my 'magical' amber pendant rested beneath ....... Amber is my favourite stone and always I give to artists at the end of a movie a small piece of amber on a leather thong.. Whether its magical qualities helped me I have no idea but my career in films began with no training,no experience but having many friends in the industry I had the privilege of observing actors ,designers and directors as I sat on the sidelines watching a script come to life in the most magical way... I promised myself that one day that is where I would be and my magical talsiman maybe helped it to happen..Who knows..? In the Musical 'Brigadoon' there is a line 'If you love someone deeply enough anything is possible .Even miracles' The same applies to a career.. I feel I am still living the miracle having reached the eight zero and am determined to continue to be part of the creative life.. My most recent project has been designing and making the Crown for the' World Top Model Event ' to be held for the first time here in Budapest in December ..(.You Tube 'World Top Model. Presentation of The Crown') Budapest has a thriving film in dustry with a brand new Studio recently opened 'Raleigh Studios' .. 'Hercules' is currently filming and the last Die Hard was filmed here too..The Borgias filmed at Korda Studios which is relatively new ..We were the first film in there with 'Hell Boy 2' about 5 years ago. Budapest is a great place to be based.. On the Danube with wonderful architecture and a thriving arts scene from small concerts of orchestral or opera.. The city is not so large and is famous for its Spa Baths , coffee houses and thriving night life. Please contact if you feel you need any professional help or just advice.. Thanks for reading my 'Getting to know me 'piece...which could go on forever . This is where it must end for fear of losing my reader which I may already have done.. Good luck to all of you out there.. Mark.

Jason C Killpack

Thank you so much for sharing such an amazing and experience filled career. I too hope that some day I can look back and be thankful to have had the career I have dreamed of! Lovely hearing some of your tales and insight...

Janet Scott

Wonderful read... thank you... Mark...

Mark Rimmell

I gave up music videos long ago.I began to get involved in larger projects so in fact I was never availble...I did manage to secure an MTV nomination in 1986 for Simple Minds 'Do'nt you forget About Me'..That was a great experience .My name was not on the envelope when Cindy Luper opened the envelope..but Radio City Music Hall and Eddie Murphy as the compere was a great thrill added to all the other thrills and spills along the way..

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