Introduce Yourself : Film Student working on short film "Tolkien's Road" in L.A. by Nye Green

Nye Green

Film Student working on short film "Tolkien's Road" in L.A.

Hi everybody! I am a film student new to Stage 32 working on my senior project, a 35 min. short film about Tolkien overcoming the trauma of fighting in WWI and beginning to write "The Hobbit." I am looking for other enthusiastic filmmakers and actors/actresses who would be interested in working on this project. Here is the link to the Stage32 project page.

T Mike Ryan

Oh wow! I wish I was back in town in time. I'll be back late in December. I'm pretty well versed in this particular subject. Best wishes on this project. I can't wait to see it. Definitely keep in touch. I love this idea - I write a lot about these interesting life altering moments that make people timeless. This is the one for Tolkien!

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