Filmmaking / Directing : Maintaining Your Predicament. by Andre Hunt

Andre Hunt

Maintaining Your Predicament.

I'm seeing some profiles that are missing potential. No desert island choices, pics of writers that look like they're posing for Polaroids of the Near Dead and Soon To Be Land Fill, etc. It seems to me the profile is an area to put some energy into. I'm still working on mine. If you have a project, or completed piece, why not grab some frames and put them into the photos section? It's not just for head shots, and within the photos option you can create separate folders with subtext. I completed a film this year, (a film noir fantasy) and I should be working on a resume to post in my resume section. I've blown it off as most of the paid work I've done is not in film, but in still photography and lab work. That's my mistake. You can put anything you want in this stage 32 resume. Anything that's true, but it's a place where you can really elaborate on certain points. It doesn't have to be a job resume. It could be information that inspires other talent. Your Statement. So get some content into your profile, people. Like film, a profile needs coverage. Lots of angles, and takes. Because they all tell you something. A story. "Look at me when I'm ignoring you"

Andre Hunt

Don't take that last "Look at me " comment the wrong way. It's more of a comic tag than anything else....

Simon © Simon

Are you using the URL link from your youtube Ch or are you trying to use the embed code? The Code wont work use the URL link.

Andre Hunt

Thanks. The url link does not work. Very mysterious. As in my comments in the lounge etc., the url link when posted in those locations shows the movie sitting under the comment, no problem. For example... Odd, ain't it?

Deborah Roberts

what a truly wonderful film I really enjoyed it witching the Man in the Tumble Dryer

Andre Hunt

Thank you Deborah. Made my day. Actually there are two Fellows In The Dryer.....

System Admin

Hi everyone, we've just fixed a bug in the code we use to grab information about video links and post external videos to your reel. If you've run into the problem Andre described, please try adding your video again here. It should not work without a hitch! Feel free to drop me an email at if you are still running into any issues.

David A. Bromley


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