If there is any interest for a range of creatives from all backgrounds wanting to meet up in the London / surrounding area then post below and we can sort something out for sure!
If there is any interest for a range of creatives from all backgrounds wanting to meet up in the London / surrounding area then post below and we can sort something out for sure!
2 people like this
Sounds great..I'm up for meeting other creatives in London.
Was in London April 2013 and have been meeting awesome creative UK residents ever since! When we're back would love to hook up with a meet up you all create :)
Di, Kevin.. sounds great. Since my first post I have thought about maybe having an "actor's lab" - directors, actors, writers, singers to meet up and essentially test their ideas with like minded creatives. A great way to play ideas out but also to network. This could also include the more technical creatives like editors etc... Keep posting if there is interest :)
Actually there is one here in LA that I'll be attending next week I can let you know how it goes and it's a great idea Bhavnisha! If you have others interested that should work well. Once we get back to London I'll join in! :)
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Fantastic! And yes please, keep me informed on how ll goes in LA :). Thanks Di
Is that London, England? I might be interested if you :-)
Great! Let's get a few more names down and then we can roll on with a set date!
Hi! I would definitely be up for a meetup in London.....count me in! Great idea suggesting it. Arhynn
Hi! Please count me as in.
I'd be interested!
I'm very interested. Derek
Count me in, please. I'm located in NW London, Zone 2.
That sounds like fun :)
lets do this
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Woohoo! This has got rolling nicely :). So I am thinking a date in the new year. Also in terms of keeping the costs down, would be best to hold it in either a public place (providing there is not a herd of us) or a community like building. If anyone can think of anywhere like this in a good meeting area then post away! Also just to add this would be a very casual setting, nothing to heavy to begin with and if everybody feels like it is a positive idea then why not make it a more regular set up? I think my idea (and please feel free to add) was to create a face to face forum for testing out ideas, showing monologues, talks and events, info sharing etc. Really excited with the feedback so far :)
Hi Bhavnisha/Everyone, I have adequate meeting space where I am. Weekends are great, and there is loads of very cheap car parking down the road (Tescos). The great thing is, the building is empty on the weekends so loads of meeting space, absolutely loads.
I'll be in London around february. The more central is the place where we can meet, the best. What kind of background o in what kind of projects would you be interested in talking about?
As you said Bhavnisha,provided there is not a herd of people,maybe a first sort of get together at the Royal festival hall on the southbank might be a good idea.
Kevin, sounds like a really nice idea. A creative setting and also lots of free space! I'm trying to think up over the Xmas holiday a bit more of a better structure. I know from past experience that we actors love talking. We may need to guide it a little too. I was thinking the first meeting could simply and introduction. Who we are, what we have done and what we like doing the most. See if there any ways that we can help each other out. I don't think it will be meet up where you are guaranteed work, but it's about communicating and building lasting friendships :)
Certainly a place to work on our craft ,as far as actors are concerned,help each other up our skills e.g: sightseeing,analysing scenes,making immediate choices,especially when reading short scenes...all the things we have done before but doing it as a collective.I meet up with a few friends and we read scenes,'re-directed them,filmed them on our phones,just a taster to see how we look on camera....all very helpfully...so,I look forward to this taking shape.
I'm so in. Back in London after Jan 13. Thanks Bhavnisha!
Love the whole community building that is going on right now. I think the next best step is to propose a date (maybe a weekend date) and then see how many people can make it? Does 11th/12th work for people or would it be better to go for 25th/26th? I am thinking that Kevin's idea of Southbank as an initial meetup place would work just fine.
Sorry let's do 25th/26th onwards? Only realised what Gianpiero wrote. Also have created a FB group to make it easier. https://www.facebook.com/groups/403568623108699/ please request an add :)
Don't have FB, but thanks anyway, yeah 25/26 is great. Thanks again!
Apologies, not sure why that has happened. I think the easiest thing would be to inbox me your emails and I can invite you to the group that way? Thanks
Hi Bhavisha, I will email you in the next few days with a group of people who will be joining the group. Derek
Hi Bhavnisha, I'm in for 25/26, good work!
25/26 is ok for me at the moment :-) South Bank is fine for me :-)
I am in. Next year? Possibly I can bring in a film editor. As you said more technically creative. :)
Perhaps, I will be interested...
Be interested, I am an Accountant/Producer
This is a really positive response guys, so thank you. As it stands let's maybe say the 25th Jan, as even though it may be busy it will have a nice atmosphere? Also should we could have it around 2 o'clock or a bit later to avoid the lunchtime rush? On second thoughts, this is London so avoiding a rush may be out of the question. Please also if there is any loose ideas that we can form into an agenda so there is a little structure on the day then keep posting away :) It could even be that we are meeting in person to physically share our backgrounds and future projects, so that if we need an actor from a particular age or background, or need access to a camera crew, then we have trusted friends that we are not afraid to call :)
25 is good, however I (wrongly :) assumed it was an evening thing, I'm busy until about 6pm. Let me know Bhavnisha, and thanks again for doing all the grunt work :)
Ok I've put it in the diary :-) Have you decided on a specific place?
Hi Bhavnisha,the 25th is good for me and free though after 6ish too.
So it is looking like after 6pm meeting @ Southbank. Let's say just by the bridge steps outside one the restaurants? If this does not seem to work out for many then we can always change the date.
Hey guys, look like there might be a change of date, apologies! I am actually working on the 25th. I have a week off though from 26th-31st Jan. Would there be a date good for anyone in that slot, 6pm onwards?
Good you're working :) I'm good from the 27th to the 30th.
Hi Bhanvisha, from Jan 25th until Feb1st I'm skiing in the Alps... Liebe Grüsse Johannes
Thanks Gianpiero. And Johannes, no worries. I'm hopeful that there will be more dates soon.
Hi Bhanvisha, I have a personal question to you: Does your family originally come from INDIA? In my PhD work ANTIRAPEPILL (part of the film "Susan's List") is a dedication to the 23year old woman in INDIA (Dec 2012)... I would like to give this INFORMATION to the INDIA Press/TV but I don't know exactly which address; the PhD work will help every women in the whole world! Johannes
Hi Bhavnisha and all, Just wondered if we had set a definite time date and place for the meet up.Look forward to it. :)
Hi Kevin, sorry for the silence on my part. I have a FB page set up. (Add me Bhav Parmar) with a lot more interest and trying to sort out a date around those people too. Also I have had a few auditions and other commitments pop up myself so not sure about an exact date at the moment. I was looking maybe first week of Feb? And definitely Royal Festival Hall cafe area. Big and roomy. :)
please add me, in Pimlico in central London seeking film work...
Hi sorry I hadn't seen this post and arranged a London Meet Up the first one is tomorrow night see other post
Hi, I didnt see this, I would love to meet some like minded film making people in the London area..
John, another meetup arranged by Melody Reynolds is being planned for the 10th June. Come to that if you're free. Look for the posting on proposed London meetups or on Melody's page.
hi, do you like to chance the indian society ?
Be sure to check out the other active London thread here: https://www.stage32.com/lounge/stage_32_meetups/London-Meet-Up-2