The One Sheet? Is it the best tool to use to pitch a project?
Im trying to create a pitch packet for a new project, a producer friend, suggested to send him the one sheet. Is this 1 magical sheet enough to get him to SEE my vision?
Maybe, if done well it can provide an enticing image of your project. Is it the best tool? No, a face to face is the best tool. You can read their reactions, they can see your enthusiasm and how good you might be to work with. But a one sheet, if done well, is a good tool. Good luck.
I would agree that a good one sheet is helpful, but it can also kill if it's not high-quality and legit looking. Amateur reads amateur. I would also suggest cutting a sort of mood reel... I recently did this for a project and, based on the "trailer," was able to raise a lot of money for development. Cover yourself on legal right off the bat by stating that you do not own the clips you use (and show it with discretion), but cutting a trailer can be eXtReMeLy helpful, too. Check out this one that director Joe Carnahan did for his pitch on a new DAREDEVIL film (which, ultimately, got passed on):
What a great cost saving way of getting your point across rather than spending 5 grand to make a trailer that may never help raise a penny on Indie Go Go or Go Fund Me.
Maybe, if done well it can provide an enticing image of your project. Is it the best tool? No, a face to face is the best tool. You can read their reactions, they can see your enthusiasm and how good you might be to work with. But a one sheet, if done well, is a good tool. Good luck.
Yes. I agree.
I agree as well.
I would agree that a good one sheet is helpful, but it can also kill if it's not high-quality and legit looking. Amateur reads amateur. I would also suggest cutting a sort of mood reel... I recently did this for a project and, based on the "trailer," was able to raise a lot of money for development. Cover yourself on legal right off the bat by stating that you do not own the clips you use (and show it with discretion), but cutting a trailer can be eXtReMeLy helpful, too. Check out this one that director Joe Carnahan did for his pitch on a new DAREDEVIL film (which, ultimately, got passed on):
What a great cost saving way of getting your point across rather than spending 5 grand to make a trailer that may never help raise a penny on Indie Go Go or Go Fund Me.