Introduce Yourself : Hello by Mark Moore

Mark Moore


Hello, My name is Mark Moore. I'm an aspiring screenwriter from upstate NY. I write as a hobby(mostly comedies) a father of 2 beautiful girls and an amazing wife. I'm an Electrician though I would love to spend more time reading and writing screenplays. I belong to a forum on Simplyscripts and I would love to be part of your community here, hopefully hook up with a few filmmakers :).

Alex Sarris

Welcome Mark and good 2CU finally on S32. Some really good contact here, like me !!! Hee Hee Shit you already know me. Didn't realize you are a Sparky ? Alex

Mark Moore

Gotta do something to pay the bills :D

Mark Moore

Thank you Emily for the welcome.

Alex Sarris

Same here Mark.

Dan Bel-Tempo

Welcome Mark

Nay Nay Kirby

hello nice to meet you I am a working actress love new projects and comedies are my favorite genre may be we will work together one day nay nay kirby and mom monique

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