Your Stage : Film festivals... The International Uranium Film Festival comes to the USA by June Birch

June Birch

Film festivals... The International Uranium Film Festival comes to the USA

The International Uranium Film Festival is coming to the USA. It's travelling to Albuquerque,NM on November 27th, then on to Santa Fe, Window Rock and in February 2014 will arrive in Washington DC and New York City. You can find out more at their website Also... this is from their film entry page.. "The festival greatly appreciates your submissions, whether you are a first-time filmmaker or an established director. For the competitions the Festival accepts independent short films and feature films, documentaries, movies, comedies, experimental videos and animated films about the whole nuclear fuel chain, about radioactivity, radioactive elements, atomic bombs, about uranium exploration, mining, processing, about nuclear medicine and nuclear waste. The films need not to be new productions, they can have been produced at any time. For non-competition screenings the festival also accepts so called Image Films (corporate-sponsored, educational and branded films) produced by or for companies, institutions and NGOs about all nuclear issues. We would like to welcome you to submit your film(s) for the Uranium Film Festival 2014. The deadline is 1st January, 2014. There is no entry fee. " I think that these are some of the most powerful issues that films can be made about and they are often made with massive personal commitment.

June Birch

Thanks Emily, it was kind of you to let me know! All best, June

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