Filmmaking / Directing : Anyone in Ohio or Indiana by Brett Hunt

Brett Hunt

Anyone in Ohio or Indiana

I'm new to Stage32 and posting information, so I hope this finds the intended crowd. I live in Fort Wayne, Indiana and I'm originally from Ohio. I have been working on screenwriting for the past few years and I am looking to start getting into acting. I'm looking for anyone interested, in any capacity, to start a film project. Shorts, features, anything! We can start with a concept, script, or story already thought out, or work together to brainstorm a new idea. I work a typical 8-5 job like I'm assuming most people on here do but I have a passion for film and I want to start gaining experience with other people like myself who love movies and story telling. It doesn't matter what your experience level is, newbie, slightly experienced, or Brad Pitt himself. It doesn't matter. I want to work with people who want to make a movie! If anyone, and I mean ANYONE, is interested in collaborating with me and a group of people you may or may not know, please message me! If we start gaining a good amount of people who want to work together, we can create a group and progress from there.

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