Before I write any screenplay, I write what I call a screenplay outline. This is nothing more than generic outline of the plot layered in bullet points. Then, I use that outline to write the final spec script. What do you guys do in regards to writing your outline?
Never do one. I prefer to just write the first draft as is.
I write, and rewrite a very detailed outline, spend about a month on it, then the next month rewriting, tweaking it, then write the script in about 15-30 days.
Most of the time I don't outline. Sometimes I do. Outlining does't seem to make it any easier for me to write. I get stuck anyway... When that happens I put a bit of distance between me and the script I'm working on - for a couple of days, or a week. I find that when I do that I'm able to move past whatever "hard spot" sent me away from the script in the first place. One thing I've tried is starting the script at the last scene. Working "backwards" helps me to better organize my ideas.
I do the same. i use act 1 as a header, act 2 , etc. I lay out the Characters and a back story for each of them and their names It helps me with details later on. I also write the Plot, when the plot is to occur. The rest is put together while trying not to spell out to the audience, Which I do give a major, major hint at the last minute of the script so that a friend can tell the other who may have not got it. Say: "Do you remember at the end where the Protagonist said....?" I also like what Oliver Stone said in an interview. "How does the story affect or change the protagonist?"
I prefer to let the characters tell me what they're doing. When I write, I'm in the moment with them and they tell me what they say, what they do and how they react. I couldn't write an outline if my life depended on it. I prefer to let the story tell itself through the characters.
After the outline, when doing the dialogue, etc the characters do tell me what to write, but the outline keeps characters from running off on a tangent with the story, in my opinion. But, whatever works- there's no one rule for creating.
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Hey Evan, It depends on the type of screenplay, theme and the genre I am working in. If it requires a significant amount of research then that will all be recorded in my notes and an outline created utilizing the research. I have written brief outlines and then converted them to a treatment. Once happy with it I can write the screenplay in around 2 weeks.