Uncategorized : Just put together an under 2 m… by Kevin Reams

Kevin Reams

Just put together an under 2 m…

Just put together an under 2 minute version of my Acting Reel. Let me know what you think. [youtu.be/QrjuY-2HJ5k][1] [1]: http://youtu.be/QrjuY-2HJ5k

Sandra Elise Williams

enjoyed seeing your work, but the static channel change became a distraction. better w/ out, so viewer can focus on YOU? just an opine.

Stephen Melling

You remind me of Andrew Daly from East Bound and Down a little. Got a good alternative character thing going on, I like.

Kevin Reams

Thanks Steven and Sandra. I've been wondering about the channel changing thing. I thought of it as a way to have it stand out and because the clips at beginning and end fit in a theme of watching TV. I should try one with a regular theme to compare.

Kevin Reams

She comes back to kill us all ala 'Kill Bill'

Kaz Drysdale

Hey cool! I watched a few more too. haha Good stuff!

Brandi Alyssa Young

I enjoyed it and laughed too, but also agree with Sandra, the static thing was a bit un-nerving.

Kevin Reams

Thanks guys. Appreciate it.

Kevin Reams
Aaron Majewski

I don't know about the earlier version of your reel (one beginning and ending with static?) but this version with the static jumps from 'channel to channel' is a nice touch, and the reel itself shows your range off very nicely I think.

Kevin Reams

Thanks Aaron. That's one vote for and two against..

The Lowpriest

I enjoy this 2 minute reel, and think it will work for you...or, at least I would hope it would. =D

Kevin Reams

Thanks. I hope so too.

Brandi Alyssa Young

I like the reel, I, personally, just don't care for the noise that static thing makes, I like the fuzzy screen, just not the noise, and I love the acting, absolutely. I don't think it should be in their decision process, but geez, you never know with some of them!

Kevin Reams

Thanks Brandi. You make a good point. I'm gonna cut together another one soon. Waiting on some new material-- Just like Richard. ;)

Delete Account

Is there another link for me to see your reel? The one you posted is gone. :-(

Brandi Alyssa Young

He may be fixing it some more. Read back in the threads and I am sure he will re-post it again. It is really pretty good!

Danielle Farrow

Hi Kevin - hearing good things here and looking forward to seeing reel when it's up again!

Kevin Reams

Here you Cindy and Danielle [www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkyVf4zcRfI&feature=colike][1] Made a few changes since the original post. [1]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkyVf4zcRfI&feature=colike

Aaron Majewski

I think the static is a nice touch, gives the feeling of channel surfing nicely. And the acting is impressive too!

Kevin Reams

Thanks for the feedback Aaron.

Danielle Farrow

Fine reel! I like the sound at the start being less harsh / loud in this one than on your full reel and think the static changes in this version work well. You've made good selections (though also liked Butch's phone no. at bottom of screen for end). When was Passion for Fashion done? If it's still fairly recent, that first appearance could be of use in a reel tailored for showing your versatility. Having a couple of different reels geared towards getting different types of jobs can be helpful - point the casting person to whichever may best suit the job and so give them short lengths, but targetted. For this you can make good use of the violent character (the 'whore' one). About that character - and this is just my opinion - but I'd consider a little editing - maybe starting on the strength of 'Get this whore out of my sight' or going: "Is that baby...know why I'm asking" to "Get that whore...". My personal experience was that I found your voice a little less believable on 'thing' and 'return', but it may well be others find the sounds there emotive. I'm just giving detailed feedback on my thoughts, because that is what I would want for my own reel. Away from actual acting, what about saying what these clips are from? That's what I wanted to know, even as I was watching. End credits can cover this so that they are there wherever your reel appears, but I would also like them listed in no. order below as is seen in medley vids on YouTube. Good work - keep it up!

Sandra Elise Williams

Danielle, thanks for giving us all some new insight and being so detailed in your feedback! Kevin has good material/talent and you are helping to perfect the presentation of it.

Danielle Farrow

Thanks, Sandra - when I saw how much I'd written, I cringed a bit! But I hope it is of use and Kevin - I won't take over your thread. This is my last response to others publicly. All the best to everyone working on reels!

Kevin Reams

Wow, thanks Danielle. I really appreciate you taking the time. You make some great points. Passion for Fashion is actually the most recent of any of the things that has been part of the different versions of my reel. It hasn't even made it's release yet. I've been working on a couple 1 minute reels because of Actors Access rule of only 1 minute clips. So far just a comic and dramatic. I can definitely put credits in the Youtube description. Great suggestions. Thanks again.

Danielle Farrow

My pleasure - truly, I enjoyed watching both reels - and you look so young in PforF: brilliant! All the best.

Kevin Reams

Thanks again Danielle. I'll send you the link to PforF when they put it up. I think it should be the next couple weeks.

Danielle Farrow

Great - looking forward to that. :D

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