Introduce Yourself : Anyone ever got work from Mand… by Stephen Melling

Stephen Melling

Anyone ever got work from Mand…

Anyone ever got work from

Richard Pinches

No, I'm on running frog and pro crew too. Work seems more than a little scarce!

Jane Grice

I have employed someone found via and continued to employ that person for 4 projects now.

Stephen Melling

Richard, work does seem pretty scarce at the moment - I was hoping it was because of Christmas, but still not much happening anywhere. Hi Jane, what role was the person you hired for?

Jane Grice

I employed a special effects make-up artist to work with my students, some of the results can be see in my reels and photos.

Stephen Melling

Ah right ok. I was wondering if it was anyone around the area of DOP/camera op. I've not heard of anyone get any work from it before - but I guess it happens.

Wendy Casey

No, not even a hi, bye, or a kiss my...

Stephen Melling

Haha, I have been turned down once out of I don't know how many applications... I might try saying my name is Steven Spielberg and my latest project was a little film called War Horse - see if that gets anything back.

Sandra Elise Williams

as an actor, it is all my own relationships over a period of years working in the industry and agency submits.

Sally Hassan

I've sent many copies of my resume out via Mandy and never get a response.

Stephen Melling

Has anyone ever tried a pay to use version? Such as Production Base for example. I'm wondering if it is worth it... Yearly costs of around £100 I believe - so obviously if it works once you have paid for the subscription...

Eunice Agyare

Yes mandy does work. got a job from there

The Lowpriest

It can work, it seems a bit odd in how it works though.

Mia Paige Mikowicz

Networking, LindedIn, MediaMatch (is okay..) and repeated pestering of places that you really want to be working at usually does it.

Mara Lesemann

We hired our dp & several other crew people via Mandy for my feature film "Surviving Family."

E.C. McMullen Jr.

Yep. And Craigslist too.

Hung Low

nope, it's worthless to me.

Chuck Dudley

I've used it a couple of years ago. I was contacted by a few people doing work in my local area.

Harrison Freed

A few years ago I got forty submissions for distribution when I worked at the Luckster Productions for two minutes, and some of the submissions were of good quality!

Sachin Punjabi


Chris Keaton

Had leads, but nothing panned out. I'm sure I gave away a few ideas to 'idea farmers' there.

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