Uncategorized : If I wanted to write out a fea… by Dallas White

Dallas White

If I wanted to write out a fea…

If I wanted to write out a feature, what should I do first? I have no idea what to write about.

Sandra Elise Williams

i am first compelled to write about someone or something. if nothing is pressing upon you at the moment, i'd be jotting down things you've witnessed that are particularly interesting in a notebook or file. eventually, you'll discover a story to be told.

RJ Smith

Write about what you know and make up the things you don't. Write something entirely different from anything you have ever heard about, and then make us believe it.

RJ Smith

Oh, and one other thing.... be prepared for everyone to read it, and then tell you how it should have been done. :)

Dallas White

Thanks guys! This helps alot. Ill see what I can do. :)

Glen Kinnaird

So Dallas, Finding a subject for a feature could be very simple, depends on the time you can invest into soul searching and research. Past instructors and mentors have told me that our best subjects are ones we have personal experience with or can directly connect within our own lives. Fantasy writing takes more skill to create locations, characters and their back stories. Start with making a list of things or events that make you extremely happy, then make a list of things or events that make you extremely mad or sad. There may be a subject that is a "hot topic" and you have taken a stand to pick a side and fight for a cause. Can you imagine a fictional character or biographical reference that is related in some way to this cause? Have you taken any writing, acting or theater classes? If not, read up on this person, Aristotle. [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dramatic_structure][1] [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dramatic_structure

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