'Boys will be Boys' but it is the real men who shake hands afterwards. [www.dailymotion.com/video/xnu6xd\fit-to-fight-kickboxing-east-lancs-advertising\sport][1] The three rounds have been cut from a 32 fight tournament DVD which I edited and filmed for Fit-to-Fight Kickboxing the club is local to my area, nevertheless there was about 5 title fights during the tournament and clubs form all over the UK attended. I train at the Fit-to-Fight club plus being the official videographer for the club. "Very long hours stood on the edge of the ring". anyone interested in the full DVD please let me know they are £5 plus postage. Kind Regards Greg P.S. I have many more dates available and could do a discount on bulk purchases. Be lucky Greg [1]: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xnu6xd_fit-to-fight-kickboxing-east-lan...