Introduce Yourself : Hey everyone. If you would be… by Stephen Melling

Stephen Melling

Hey everyone. If you would be…

Hey everyone. If you would be so kind as to help out a fellow Stage32'er and add my film Facebook page. Collaboration of Stage32 members is the plan for this short film - heading to Virgin Media Shorts festival. Thanks guys! [][1] [1]:

Mike Chinea

Done. Please check out one of mine when you have the time. Thanks: [][1] [1]:

William Conrad

Done. I'll send out some message to some friends as well.

Harrison Freed

Already done!

Junior Fletcher

liked your page

Stephen Melling

Thanks a lot everyone! Harrison Freed you are a legend, and you William, Juniorfletcher and Mike - you all deserve.... something, I'm not sure what yet - but you deserve it!

Mike Chinea

Consider your thanks as payment in full. Wishing you much success.

Curt Hart

Liked and shared!

Stephen Melling

Thanks and thanks again!

Maria Olsen

Liked =)

The Lowpriest


William Conrad

Thanks not needed. It was my pleasure!

Stephen Akina

Vibration sounds awesome.... just liked it.

Stephen Melling

Great, thank you.

Stephen Melling

We now have an Indiegogo page. I know everyone has one for just about anything - but ours will actually help the production value and it will actually help us make it a success! [][1] [1]:

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