Anything Goes : Which activities make you lose… by Luis R. Quintero

Luis R. Quintero

Which activities make you lose…

Which activities make you lose track of time?

Chris Sullivan

lol... Video Editing. Now that I'm shooting digital Capturing is quick but editing... geez, just that's a full time job I'm not getting paid for.

Nadine ( Cloete ) Maritz

Writing - my day just goes past way too fast and then it feels like ages before I can get back to it again

Paul Watson

Editing is one of those jobs where the you look up at the clock and 3 hours seem to have passed in half an hour.

Paul Pizzuti

Most definitely editing... I love editing more than any other phase of the production process.

Maciej Bocianski

I love shooting...

Owen McCuen

Social media! Between acting and beer blogging, it's an actual job.

Sergio Salgado


Ralph Lucas


Mark Kenna

I agree with Chris and Owen, both editing and social media. Wow, I do this as part of my company services and always underestimate the time it takes to edit. People think that as we now have digital, we can shoot more as options, additional cutaways etc. However, we still need to maintain film principles, measure twice and cut once. A ratio of between 9:1-12:1 is ideal. I know that with digital, you don't have to pay for the film, that doesn't mean we should be sloppy with our footage. Just think of it as paying for it, but in post! I've just shot a doco over 8 days in an SEN special needs school. We had approx. 16 hours of footage, 2.5 hours of great footage to make a 25 minute doco. OK, we had some lovely shots and the client wasn't really sure what they wanted, but now they have footage to make a combination of clips for multi-purpose. Still, after thousands of edits and multiple video tracks, we got it down to 4 video tracks, 10 audio tracks. The picture will be locked Monday, final mix Wednesday and master Thursday. We started the project back in May 2011! Still, I love shooting doco footage, there's just something about capturing it as it happens, unrehearsed. I've always had a camera in my hand so it feels natural to shoot this way. I've become more efficient over time, as I edit too so always cutting rough cuts and archiving to first-play DVD's and being a sound guy, I also shoot with good sound in mind, so important, as you all know and appreciate. Happy Friday everyone :) MAK

Jennifer Lau

The internet: from Facebook to YouTube to Stage32 to e-mail and everything else in between, 1/2 hour can feel like a minute!!

Richard "RB" Botto

Definitely writing...When in the zone, hours can (and do) fly by in a blink.

Stephen Melling

I know that feeling Matt! Any subject your passionate about will make you lose track of time wont it?

Alvin Eric Vazquez

When I have to look for "Props" for my Set lol

lakeisha newton

Taking care of my 4 girls

Mark Kenna

Yes lakeisha, keeping my 3 children amused and entertained certainly passes the time in a good way of course. Especially when we decide to start making movies or getting creative ;-)

Ramzi Ayash

Running on the treadmill.

Eric Raphael Harman

Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll

Josh Thrower


Sean Laguna

Just spending time with my family! I am 1 of 7 kids plus my there's never a dull moment uk..=]

Bridget Jeske

When I start writing stories, I can't seem to stop. Of course when I'm playing video games, time flies by and I don't get other things done!

Rebecca Jane

oddly enough.... Jogging

Jeff LaFlamme


Booda (Stewart Kenneth Moore)


Rick Winslow

As has been said here, editing. Oh and sleeping. I don't know when it's 2 AM or 3 AM anymore..

Booda (Stewart Kenneth Moore)

I mean...arsonaround.

Asha Nicole Lanier

Social Network most likely for me, traveling, and watching my favorite tv show "Family Guy".

Kev Minton

writing and editing...

Reshma Mohan

Writing and anything to do with filmmaking

wendy thoren

Art. All art. Performance art. Visual art. & spending time with my grandekids/family. Dancing. & social networking.

Michael Rebholz

My Son, and Any great music !!!

Mena Nunes

Animating an interesting scene. Painting, Drawing.

David Kotzebue


Devon Motola

Composing music and Youtube heh

Robert Henriksen

having to listen to people complain ,while i'm multitasking, because if i'm listening to them , i m so focused on all the other things , that i lose track of the time

Karla Avendano

Video & Photo Editing...

Booda (Stewart Kenneth Moore)

See 'Time or Money?' for the answer to this question.

Janelle Meraz Hooper

Writing. I get sucked into my computer each day and forget to eat. Forget to sleep. Forget to pay my bills. Forget wait. I can't say that--we don't know each other well enough!

Tek Doko

definitely writing...but a close 2nd would be practicing baseball with my son

Tonina Kelly

Writing, listening to music and reading...

Liz Jamar

Playing with the dog is my down fall.

Mika Carten (they/them/theirs)

I agree with Liz and Steve.

Mena Nunes

I agree!

Claudette Walker

Writing. I have to set an alarm to stop and take breaks on a regular schedule.

Michael Rebholz

Playing my Drums !!!!

Flavia Di Bartolo

T.V, Being on Set, writing.

Stephen Collinsworth

listening to great music always makes me lose track of time!

Juan Luis Lopez Fons

Watching movies, being with friends, editing, reading

Brandon Solomon

Acting, gaming, and basketball

Kent Courtney

Editing audio. I'm a perfectionist. I just spent all day on a little over three minutes of audio track. The sound is tweaked and balanced. There's nothing like the joy of calling the client and telling him that I'm sending him an mp3 - two days ahead of schedule :)

Linda Meyer

writing, watching tv and reading are all things that I start off thinking I'm just going to do for a couple hours and the next thing I know I've been doing those things for uptp 20 hours. If I'm in the writing zone it's great, but if I'm in tv watching mode, it's not so great.

Nicky Subono

watching tv while knitting ( no i'm not an old lady with 27 cats =p), writing, reading and going to the mall.

Ricardo Yonathan Orta

Mostly Preproduction of multiple projects at once, which it ends up combining them in a one single feature.

Tony Knucklez

Making a beat. Lost in the emotions of every sound day turns into night and then 3days later.......Completed. So you say time?? I say days hahaha

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