Anything Goes : Time or money? by Luis R. Quintero

Luis R. Quintero

Time or money?

Time or money?

Rick Winslow

Both. But... Time first, then Money

Raymond Schwab

I am at the point, where I want the money for my professional time!!!! I don't care about the credits any more, you cannot live on 15 minutes fame

Seán Martyn

time because I need money but I don't really want it

Anjeanne Weiss

I want both but if I had to choose, right now, it would be time. With enough time then them money would follow, I hope.

Boris Radev

Money, with the best equipment and a big crew you don't need as much time.

Kim van Berkel

Time. If you have time then you will be able to find a way to make something that won't cost a lot. If you choose money, then what will you do with all of it if you don't have the time to spend it??

Ingrid Johnson

I need more of both!

Bridget Jeske

I hope I have a lot of time left, so money would be great for a little while.

Robert Henriksen

money man, all the time in the world just leads you to create more and the more you create the more money you need to make them,

Booda (Stewart Kenneth Moore)

Not sure, I seem to go through time as easily as I go through money.

Francesca Sophia

with more money you could reserve more time, but if this is an impractical question, time, because you can't buy the intake of knowledge. plenty of rich people never find the time to learn the important things.

Tim Bonner

Sorry it's time for me, as with time you can make money.

Mohit Arora

i think time is money !!!!!!

Junior Fletcher

but stealing money will buy you time

Michael Rebholz

Money, Because it let's you do everything you ever wanted to do, See things you never thought you could ever see , Travel the world and see things you never thought to could never see , So I would have to say money , And the most important thing with money help people in need Family, Friends and anyone who needs it !!!!!!

Jim Blythe

Why can't I have both? Why must I always choose? I'll take the money but I will grumble about my lack of time!

Peter Wood

Enough money to give me the time to do what I need, but not enough time that it would make things stretch into eternity... Too much time can be as deconstructive as too much money.

Maddie Paige

time is money. it's more than a cliche. if you don't have money, you better have LOTS of time. If you don't have a lot of time, you better have a shitload of money. If you have both, there's a good chance you can get something that works.

Miroki Tong

When I'm really short on money, then I force myself to have the time...but if I have a few bucks to spare, then I definitely choose time over money

Humberto Meza

A little bit of both. Need money to buy time. And time to find money.

Doug Cox

Time + money = a successful project! At least that's what I tell my clients.

Tony Knucklez

Time for sure cause in time you can make money, but with money you can not buy time

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