Screenwriting : I just printed the first draft… by Wendy Casey

Wendy Casey

I just printed the first draft…

I just printed the first draft to the feature and now it feels real. I guess, I'm old fashioned. I held it in my hands like a newborn babe that I labored for.

Mark Sanderson

Huge conrats! Always remember, writing is rewriting. Put it away for a week and come back to it and see it with fresh eyes. Again, nice job!

Renovatio Movies


Rich Feitelberg

Yes, I agree with Mark. I always put my work away once I think it is "done" and come back to it a week or more later. Even then, I only revise and edit one or two scenes at a time to ensure the screen is solid. If not, I dig into it until it is.

W. Paul Hughes

It is your child Wendy. When I had my first screenplay ready to mail, industry standard and all that, I wept. My baby had grown up and was ready to solo:) What a feeling. Now, if I can just find a producer.

Jaclyn Abergas

Congrats, Wendy!

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