Anything Goes : Lounge - Do Drop In ChatZone by Kaz Drysdale

Kaz Drysdale

Lounge - Do Drop In ChatZone

Hi everyone... and thanks to Stage 32 guys for our new 'toy' - the lounge where we can break the ice, chew the fat and of course, the industry. My intro: From Oz, writer and world traveller - both my desires. Although ATM, I'm very happy to be in one place to keep on writing for now as I finished a screenplay, Welcome to CHINA!. Yes! lol. Sorry for that little outburst of emotion - doing the happy dance... ahem. Being a writer, I discovered that it's among the most interesting avenues of life... not just for the writing but, being in the film industry one never knows what the next day will bring. For instance, your emotional trip begins, from concept to completed script. Next step you become your own marketing and promo guru acting in the ultimate goal - to sell/have it made/get a credit. You research now, contests, InkTip, now Stage 32... ISA, MovieBytes, FB, Twitter etc (a giddy whirl of words) and all the while you are meeting people online from all around the world, just hoping for a prodco to like your 'pathetic' little logline with all emotion running wild inside thinking how can you get someone to like your blood, sweat and tears story through a scant few little lines - of which is probably yawned through you think on one of your worst days. But in the end, it's all in the fun of it.. and the excitement and wouldn't do anything other that what we all do. So yes, the life of a writer is not so solitary for me. And I suspect it's a shared experience for everyone here - not just writers of course - all. So tell me about your day, I'd love to meet you. Life is grand and wouldn't miss a minute of it. Do drop in Cheers, Kaz :) PS: I suppose you figured out by now that I'm procrastinating right now. lol.

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Kaz! Thanks for recognizing the new Stage 32 lounge. We're working on a few more ways to make it easier to surf topics and subscribe to your favorites. More good things on the way!

Kaz Drysdale

Thanks RB. I think it's great - and Stage 32 is the place to be. I love the look and feel of it -- I know your designer worked very intuitively on the site and - yeah, it's a great mix. Kaz :)

System Admin

Thanks Kaz :)

Kaz Drysdale

Hi Derrick. you're most welcome. And yes, the site also has that professional look yes user-friendly appeal. You've done a great job - for the people to enjoy. :)

W. Paul Hughes

Hey Kaz. It's a fairly good review you gave us. I'm not sure about the "pathetic" loglines but, hey, we give it our best shot. My logline was pondered over, sculpted, edited and I still wish I could make it better:) Otherwise, great info and sooooo true. What a journey the writer takes as soon as pen touched paper, or today, the keyboard to the screen. Stage 32 is an adventurous experience and wonderfully connected. It's home, but I don't get to be here as much as I'd like; other crap to do:) Thanks again for the great portrayal of US. Paul,

Ebone` Monique Madison

Everyone don't 4get to check out my blog at and follow my Play "Love don't love Me" on!!!!!!!!!! Thanks

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