Looking for exciting, dynamic and original SHORT film scripts to be made by an exciting, up-and-coming director and his team. They must be: -easy to produce, with locations easily sourcable in London -no charge for use of script The screenwriter will of course keep all copyright of the work. This is not a paid position but the screenwriter will have an investment in the project and the script's future, should it do festivals etc. Get in touch if you have something! Thanks Alex
What sort of investment are you talking about here? Writing a script is a lot of work and your investment "statement" is quite vague.
Sean's got a good point there.
sorry- should clarify that. Basically it means we cannot pay for the script now, but in the future should the film make any money the writer will get his fair cut, and of course be kept in mind for all future commercial work.
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What exactly is "fair" cut. You were clear about not getting paid just not clear about proper percentages. What if the short gets purchased for a feature length (i.e. District Nine)? Would the writer be contracted to write the feature? Would there be a standard 2-3% of the films budget? This is what I wanted clarification on. I have several short scripts and we are about to produce one in LA soon. It would be a shame to let go of one of my scripts without knowledge of these important details so you guys could make a film
I have a couple of scripts that I think might be suitable, around 10-15 minute pieces. Are you looking for a specific genre?
I've got two of my short screenplay's loglines on my profile. One named HOST and the other named THE MONOGRAM BLOODED. You should let me know if you like them.
Can a Yank chime in? I have a short film that can be made anywhere. It is posted on my profile. http://www.stage32.com/profile/23214/screenplay/det-bourbon-mystery-epis...
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When you say dynamic, would two middle-aged guys slap-fighting in a dodgy motel room fit the bill? If so, then my short comedy/thriller "Deadlywinks" is the script for you :^}
5000$ for a short screenplay?:)