I am writing a Medieval period piece, and I am thinking of changing the beginning so that the background regarding a prophecy is relayed via voice over by a narrator. However, I have read that starting a script that way is not a good idea. What do you think? Thanks!
I'm sure you have also read that it depends on the script and the skills of the writer. We all know many movies that use narration and do it well. Not all writers use narration well which is why the general advice is to not do it. If you can pull it off, make it not only interesting but essential then I think you should write it the way you see it.
I would agree with Rik, if it works do it. You might even realize a better way to do it. You never know.
When people ask me about this, I tell them to write it. Right or not, that's really the only way you'll find out for sure if voiceover works for your story. And if it doesn't, sometimes writing it that way shows you another way of making it work otherwise. Good luck!
I think it would depend on the situation. A lot of movies were amazing with Voice Overs. American Beauty, Fight Club, American History X, Kick Ass. A lot of great films use voice overs, but it depends on whether or not it works for your circumstance.
It depends, Lord of the Rings did it well, The Last Airbender did not. Much of it depends on the tone of the film in general, and if you need to get a lot of backstory out of the way early and the rest of the film is engaging and well done, then audiences will be forgiving about that. But, for the love of God and all that is holy do NOT write the expo with people in a room talking. Give me a dry text scrawl over two guys who I don't know nor give a crap about bleating out unbelievable dialogue and ham-fisted exposition any day.
I think the key is transition and integration with the rest of the story best that I've seen , and feel free to disagree, was the beginning of serenity because of how well the voice over flowed into the first scenes.