Screenwriting : Distractions by Tay Ouk

Tay Ouk


I find it hard to write at home when there's people in the house even if they're not bothering me. Bookstores don't help either. Where do you usually go to write?

Marc L. Trahan

Have you tried the library? I also like to go to coffee shops and internet cafes.

Tay Ouk

Somehow coffee shops and cafes are a distraction. I'll try the library. Maybe find an isolated corner without a person in sight. Lol.

Bob Wagner

Khantey: I have almost the same problem. Although I live alone, the folks in my small apartment house are always calling or knocking on the door, looking for something to do. While it's nice to be popular, it's hell on writing. So I find myself writing in the wee hours. Midnight to 3-4 a.m.

Tay Ouk

Ever since i started writing my sleeping habit have been very erratic. This is such an unhealthy profession, lol, but i love it.

Bob Wagner

We writers ARE a different animal. Hard to shut the brain off sometimes. I go to bed about 3-4 a.m., sleep until 9-9:30 and then I'm ready for a nap by 1 p.m. Spend the afternoon reading screenplays and books. Often take something down to our patio, the beach or boardwalk to read during the day. Good time to watch people. Don't even have cable. Watch a select few shows on the internet the day after broadcast. Some of my best ideas come to me while I'm playing my vintage pinball machine! Then I get my serious writing time in after everybody else has gone to bed.

Glen Kinnaird

Hi Khantey, I am finding the same is true for me. It is very hard for me to find time to write these days even though I don't have much other work distracting me. Soon I am going to venture out of the house to see if I can find a place to write in the outdoors when weather permits or a quiet place like a study room in the library where I can lock myself away for a few hours and get my thoughts down. One tip I got from a past professor, he kept a notepad and pencil on him. Technology is great and I even write most things on my laptop, but there is still something to say about putting ideas on paper. He then told us about other tips on how to use note cards to organize your scenes and acts. Good Luck and looking forward to hearing how you overcome finding the right place to write. Greg

Mark Ratering

I spead half of my time writing in the jungle of the Philippines, The dogs and fighting cocks bother me. But Filipinos hve taught me to relax and not care and focus my writing after some rum!!! Ha

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