Screenwriting : Script Frenzy 2012 by Jason Dailing

Jason Dailing

Script Frenzy 2012

I'm gearing up for script frenzy this April. Who else is doing this? 30 day challenge to write 100pgs of script. Personally I do my best work when given a hard deadline so I'm looking forward to this!

Glen Kinnaird

I'm game, where do I sign up?

Jason Dailing

You register with the site, and you can go through the forums, look at the resources they got, and network with other users as "writing buddies" lol my username is jpdailing

Tay Ouk

Sounds very challenging. I've never written a script under 30 days. Ima check it out.

Lisa Kovanda

I'm doing it this year. I've done NaNoWriMo several times, but this is my first Frenzy. When I was at Lew Hunter's screenwriting colony last summer, I finished all but the third act of a script in two weeks, so I'm not too stressed--yet.

Jason Dailing

@Khantey haha, neither have I, it'll be fun though. I think over 10k-ish people have already signed up and will be grinding our scripts out together :) @Lisa Ooh very nice! lol yup its all about getting that first draft out. I've tried NaNoWriMo as well, this will be quite different :)

Stephanie Bourbon (Olivieri)

I'm doing it. I have done the NaNoWriMo a few times and always managed to write a novel in a month. It's fun. I did it once before. I think a month is more than enough time for a first draft. In TV writing, it's much faster. :) I am excited!!!

Jason Dailing

Ooh very nice! :D lol ooh what tv have you done? That's really cool! :O and you were the storyboard artist for the Dark Knight? ...Too. Effing. Cool!

Stephanie Bourbon (Olivieri)

Oh I worked on a show this year, not yet produced and did some freelance a few years back for another. I am trying to break in, but as long as I am writing I am happy whether it be; novels, screenplays, TV, shorts, whatever. :)

Jason Dailing

That's awesome lol yup gaining heat and elbowing your way in is such a pain lol I wish you the best of luck! ooh and NYC would be pretty amazing... :)

Director Izlar

Brilliant idea. I viewed the post just in time. I have been thinking about creating time to write... here is the opportunity not to "write when it is convenient," and/or when I finally find time, but to write... period.

Chip Street

Every year I say I want to do this. Maybe this is the year. I've got a couple of 'plays started that I think I could do in 30 days. Good luck, everyone!

Rick Winslow

I have a friend that did NaNoWriMo a couple years in a row. This looks to be the same site as their promotional materials are also that contest. I couldn't do it. My brain doesn't run that fast!

Stephanie Bourbon (Olivieri)

The first novel I published traditionally, "Love You, Love Your Work, Let's Do Lunch" (pen name Micheline McAllister) was published 6 months after my first it can be done. It's fun no matter what. I have three ideas for screenplays to start tomorrow, I guess I have to choose one. :)

Chip Street

Okay, signed up. Now to pick the project to focus on. Then to follow thru. Yikes. What have I done?

Jason Dailing

Thirty pages in my script frenzy! Good stuff (though a LOT of editing when the time comes) how is everyone else doing? :D

Lisa Kovanda

I'm behind, but I'm the Nebraska Writers Guild President, and our spring conference is this week. I'm teaching a breakout session on social media for authors, so I knew going in that I would miss a lot of writing this week. I'm on page 14, and on target as far as plot points hitting the page counts I want them to.

Chip Street

Got to page 8 then got sidetracked. Went back and edited the 8 pages last night to try to get back into the flow. Hoping to pick back up but am polishing another script now too! So much to do! Good luck everyone.

Tay Ouk

Go! Writers, Go!!!

Jasmine McAtee

About 30 pages in, haven't updated the count in a few days, oops.

Stephanie Bourbon (Olivieri)

I have my outline worked out. :)

Rick Winslow

Wow. Maybe I should have. I just started writing on mine today and I'm already at 11 pages... now make that 16.. ;)

Jasmine McAtee

Never too late, Rick. Sign up and start logging those pages!

Rene Claveau

16 pages in, didn't get anything done over the weekend. Have some catching up to do now!

Jason Dailing

Hey everyone! Glad to hear all the progress. We're only in our tenth days and there is a lot of frenzy still left haha good luck to everyone! :D

Chip Street

I ended up spending my time working on a synopsis to submit to Amazon Studios to pitch for one of their paid assignments. No ScriptFrenzy success for me this year. Congrats to all who got any further than I!

Jason Dailing

Ah... I would check around about Amazon Studios. I've heard nothing about crappy things about them, Sorry to hear about the frenzy, its indeed tough, this is my third time participating and still just barely made it. Good luck with your work!

Chip Street

Thanks. Amazon's "open source" screenplay model was a mess. But they've revamped to be more WGA friendly, and now accept private submissions that don't go into their public pool. They have 45 days to option you for 10K, or you get the script back. So we figured why not...

Stephanie Bourbon (Olivieri)

As for the Frenzy, I did finish a first draft-will go back in and polish soon. :)

Stephanie Bourbon (Olivieri)

Thanks Chip, I think I will submit a few things to this. Hadn't realized it changed a bit.

Chip Street

Good luck! The 10K is an option against a purchase of $200K. It's a little low (options usually are 10% of buy price). It's also a little long - 18 months with an extension clause (for another 10K).

Jason Dailing

Huh... That's pretty cool, I'll have to check that out then. Yay congrats Stephanie!

Stephanie Bourbon (Olivieri)

Thanks Chip-yeah but it's a way to get out there. :)

Jason Dailing

Aww I'm sorry Kari, Script Frenzy is amazing, i would definitely slate it next April :) As for Amazon Studios, it has changed A LOT since i last saw it and looks like for the better. I'm holding off submitting anything for a bit just to be safe, but it looks pretty legit. I think i will eventually submit something to it.

Stephanie Bourbon (Olivieri)

Well you can always challenge yourself to write a first draft in 30 days. The Frenzy is just that. They also have a novel one in the fall. 4 months after my first NaNo, I got published with that same book-small publisher-but still. I have a lot of TV shows written, I think I will submit at least one to Amazon-it can't hurt and right now it isn't like studios are banging down my door to get them. :)

Jennifer R. Povey

I was going to do Script Frenzy this year, as an incentive to get something feature length written, but I was on vacation for half the month.

Stephanie Bourbon (Olivieri)

True.. I am working on a new novel.. maybe I'll do it in June, looks like I am going to be on hiatus!

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