Post-Production : Creating the effect of hair standing on end by Taylor J Martin

Taylor J Martin

Creating the effect of hair standing on end

Hey everyone! I've been hired to co-produce a commercial and need to create the effect of hair standing on end. Ideally I would like to have the full effect from flat to completely upright captured on camera. Any ideas, suggestion, or insight would be great! Thanks

Sam Vanivray

Green screen background, rotate actor backwards with camera staying relative to the actor until they are upside down.

Taylor J Martin

Sam, you know I never thought of that..really appreciate your time and suggestion. I'll be sure to share once finalized. Cheers!

Bob Wagner

Taylor: best thing I've ever seen for this is called a Van de Graaf Generator. It's that ball-shaped thing that sends a small electrical current through you when you touch it and makes the hair stand on end. I'm sure you could figure out a way to film it so the generator is hidden. Google it if you're not sure what I mean.

Sam Vanivray

I like the Van de Graaf generator idea better :)

Taylor J Martin

Hey Bob, Yea I did a little research and found out about the Van de Graff generator; pretty cool little device. I actually found one for sale within 10 miles of me too! Appreciate all the help and suggestions here guys, much appreciated. Cheers

Bob Wagner

Great! I knew it was perfect for what you wanted to do. Wasn't so sure how readily available they might be or if the price would fit your budget. Glad you found one nearby.

Suzanna Johnson

From your local Chemistry teacher (my day job): Make sure the person who needs to have their hair stand on end does not have any conditioner or goop in it all. It has to be really dry and straight hair. A bob haircut works best. Also, make sure you have a high quality Van de Graaf and that you have an extra belt in case it snaps. Good luck! My students love it.

Bob Wagner

Good point. I didn't think to mention that, but dry untreated hair will react better to the current.

Taylor J Martin

Very good points Suzanna, I'm also going to make sure the humidity level in the air is down as much as it can be, dry 'everything' I believe will give me the best effect. Really appreciate all the help and feedback here, you guys are awesome!

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