Anything Goes : Western Citizens Suffering by Bieggs Legacy

Bieggs Legacy

Western Citizens Suffering

Why is governments in the Western World bowing to the banks and making their citizens pay for their mess, why are they not dumping the banks waste at their door steps but squeezing into every penny its citizens have toiled to earn

Todd Terwilliger

In the west? Like New Mexico? Or Fiji?

Bieggs Legacy

Yeah kem, that is what i meant

Mark Ratering

We are artists Jay. We make our points thur our art. Camoing out and crying is your way of making your point. Film is our intellectual way of getting our point across. I just finished my screen play "The Right War" that gets your point across in a entertaining way not a "throwing bottles at the cops way," Your Welcome!!

Rick Winslow

Talk about corruption.. it's been going on a long time. My screenplay and subsequent movie will deal with it. Although it's even worse in this one since the story is about life on an island in Maine. It has its own justice system, and the laws of the State do not necessarily apply.

Mark Ratering

I'll trade screenplays when your ready!!!

Bieggs Legacy

Deep Screen Plays are what we are in shortage of, there is too many movies with icing on the cake we need deep moving Scripts about current affairs on Screens

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