Acting : Cannes Film Festival by Booda (Stewart Kenneth Moore)

Cannes Film Festival

So, for the second year running a short film I acted in is at Cannes, in this case I was one of the leads. It's a short shown in the 'SHORT FILM CORNER' section of the festival.

Richard "RB" Botto

Congrats, Stewart. Quite an accomplishment...Are you at the fest?

Booda (Stewart Kenneth Moore)

Thanks Richard. The director, Ivan Bergerman, is there. I thought about it, but, having just got back from a long trip to Hawaii with stops in LA and SF...and with work deadlines...just not possible....oddly, not even appealing to be honest. But it's nice to know it was shown.

Richard "RB" Botto

Understandable...Wish you much success with it.

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