Hi again Stage32. I am a about to embark on a new journey, make a new film, tell a new story, but before I do I always like to reflect on where I came from. I'd love to talk about storytelling with you, so please hit me up. https://vimeo.com/76657617
You'd be surprised how little those two scenes actually cost. The film as a whole is still relatively small in my opinion.
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Great looking work, man. We've both directed Mark Berry, love him. I also see that you're from Chapman, so we both learned from Barbara D. (I had her at Brooks Inst). Is Manifesto available to see online? Best wishes.
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Nice work, Michael!
Doug, Barbara told me I'd never be able to pull off the stunt. It was just the motivation I needed. Manifesto is available. I'll send you the link.
Thank you Brianna!
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Always good to see you, Michael.
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Wow, your work is really impressive Michael. Im excited to see where Stage 32 helps take you (big places I'm expecting!)
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Stage 32 has definitely helped me expand my network. I could assemble an all-star team from the amazing people I've connected with.
3 people like this
Very powerful! Loved it!