Introduce Yourself : Michael Aronson -- Director by Michael Aronson

Michael Aronson

Michael Aronson -- Director

Hi again Stage32. I am a about to embark on a new journey, make a new film, tell a new story, but before I do I always like to reflect on where I came from. I'd love to talk about storytelling with you, so please hit me up.

Michael Aronson

You'd be surprised how little those two scenes actually cost. The film as a whole is still relatively small in my opinion.

Doug Conant

Great looking work, man. We've both directed Mark Berry, love him. I also see that you're from Chapman, so we both learned from Barbara D. (I had her at Brooks Inst). Is Manifesto available to see online? Best wishes.

Brianna Lee McKenzie

Nice work, Michael!

Michael Aronson

Doug, Barbara told me I'd never be able to pull off the stunt. It was just the motivation I needed. Manifesto is available. I'll send you the link.

Michael Aronson

Thank you Brianna!

Richard "RB" Botto

Always good to see you, Michael.

Andrea Thompson

Wow, your work is really impressive Michael. Im excited to see where Stage 32 helps take you (big places I'm expecting!)

Michael Aronson

Stage 32 has definitely helped me expand my network. I could assemble an all-star team from the amazing people I've connected with.

Michele Kaasen Rubatino

Very powerful! Loved it!

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